Hello! I am Claudia Roures Vives


My name is Clàudia, I am from Barcelona and I graduated in Psychology and Speech and Language Therapy at the Blanquerna, Ramon Llull University (Barcelona). I recently finished my Master's degree in Neuropsychology at the University of Maastricht and I am happy to see that it is an area that has helped me to better understand the link between my two fields of study. I consider myself a very active person, cheerful, with a lot of energy and very lucky to be able to dedicate myself to what I really like which is speech and language therapy and psychology. Every case that these two fields give me is a challenge, a person and a family that I help and another experience that enriches me in many ways, but above all on a personal level.

While I was studying both degrees, I always tried to combine my studies with
experiences that fulfilled me, satisfied my desire to learn and also completed my
professional profile. This curiosity led me to do very interesting internships and to have incredible and very rewarding jobs that only made me like psychology and speech and language therapy even more. Experiences like working and living with children with different behavioral and/or neurodevelopment disorders in a special needs summer camp in the USA, volunteering in a wheelchair basketball team with children and young people with different types of injuries or going more deeply into the world of learning disorders, from my point of view have been life experiences that make it difficult for me to find the words to describe what I feel when I do my job.

After almost 3 years working as a psychologist and speech and language therapist in the field of neurology, learning and language with children and adolescents who present learning disabilities (such as dyslexia, ADHD, language disorders, autism, adopted kids with learning difficulties, atypical syndromes, among others) and being familiar with the world of neurorehabilitation (aphasia, voice problems, apraxia…), I I
decided to take a break in order to continue my academic career by taking a master’s degree to broaden and deepen my knowledge.

My speech and language therapy sessions can be in English, Spanish and Catalan and are aimed at both younger populations and adults. I am very happy to be part of the TinyEYE team and also to be able to carry out one of my professions in a different and more atypical way, which is online. I think that TinyEYE adapts very well to the times in which we find ourselves and to the needs and availability of each person, making the work that is carried out not boring but on the contrary: new, innovative and attractive to
all audiences.

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