Speech therapy scan with the TinyTaalTool.

TinyEYE's speech therapy scan offers early identification of speech and language problems followed by tailor-made speech therapy for primary school students. Do you, as a teacher, have concerns about the language development of your students? Then our speech therapy scan offers a solution. The scan signals any delays in language, speech, voice, and motor skills. If speech therapy is advised,  the scan results are put together to create a treatment plan, or: tailor-made speech therapy.

This is how TinyEYE's speech therapy scan works.

For long-term success, tailor-made speech therapy is essential. The TinyEYE speech therapy scan provides the tools for an effective treatment plan. The scan is for ages 4 to 5 years. TinyEYE’s speech therapists carry out the scan online and are therefore able to identify speech therapy problems at an early stage and provide tailor-made speech  therapy. The scan takes approximately 12 minutes per student and is carried out during school time.

Service logopediescan

The Tiny Taal Tool as instrument to perform the scan.

The TinyLanguageTool has been developed to detect problems with a child’s speech or language development  early on. The TinyLanguageTool is applied online by a certified TinyEYE specialist who screens whether the child has reached the required, minimal milestones in his or her language development.  The scans take place via the TinyEYE software, to identify where the bottlenecks in speech and language development lie, and makes the process of early signaling more efficient. At the end of the speech therapy scan, the results are made visible in the TinyTaalTool in the form of a score and pre-diagnosis. The pre-diagnosis also indicates which child has the most urgent need for care in terms of speech and language.

This is what the speech therapist pays attention to.

Tailor-made speech therapy

In order to offer tailor-made speech therapy, the speech therapist pays attention to a number of aspects during the scan that can be divided into various categories. The speech therapist pays attention to:

✓ Language (eg sentence building, understanding language, vocabulary, working memory);

✓ Speech (eg pronunciation of sounds, speech intelligibility, speech fluency);

✓ Voice (eg hoarseness, loudness, loss of voice);

✓ Oral habits (eg thumb sucking, open mouth breathing, lip tension, mobility).

After the speech therapy scan, the speech therapist discusses the scan results with the teacher. The school will also receive a comprehensive report with the results per child, an advice from the speech therapist, and a summary of the conversation that took place with parents.

Get started.

When tailor-made speech therapy is recommended, children can be treated online by TinyEYE Europe. For families who have Dutch health insurance, the costs of the therapy are fully covered. Parents who do not have Dutch health insurance for their child must pay for the therapy themselves. Afterward, they can always request reimbursement from their health insurance company themselves.


Online speech therapy treatment

Based on the result of the Speech Therapy Scan.

Costs are declared through the health insurer

Request an extra group scan

5% off on the standard prices mentioned above

Extra Scan for 1 student

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