Hello! I'm Tetiana Kurbala.
Hello to Ukrainians all over the world! I am Tetiana Kurbala from Tiny Eye Europe and I am eagerly looking forward to the opportunity to help you and your children. Speech is a cornerstone of personality and is essential for self-expression. In the modern world, the ability to express oneself clearly is an important condition for effective socialization. Proper speech is a necessary process in achieving success in learning. Speech and language problems significantly hinder the integrative processes of a child and the establishment of connections in society. Due to various reasons, many children from 4 to 16 need speech therapy assistance. Unfortunately, the crisis and war in Ukraine have led to a lack of access to correctional services, especially for families forced to move abroad.I started working with children and teenagers in 2006 as a practical psychologist and social educator, having graduated from the V.G. Korolenko Poltava State Pedagogical University. In 2021, I obtained a Master degree in special education and have been working for 2 years on correcting dyslalia and logoneurosis in children, constantly developing and perfecting my methods.
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