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Hello! I am Viktoriia Manaharova.

My greetings, Ukraine!

My name is Viktoriia Manaharova and I am here for the first time with TinyEYE on an international scale to help you  resist and win the unjust war with the Russian Federation, preserving cultural memory, identity, bright faith, healthy productive speech (+mind ) development of our citizens and, especially, children (also from multilingual Ukrainian families) who were forced to leave their homes starting from February 24, 2022 and who found international protection in the Netherlands, other countries of Europe and the world.

I am a Kyiv leading speech therapist, art therapist, oratory coach (for children and adults – “opinion leaders”, journalists, company managers), record-breaking poet, founder of “The Brilliant Age” in the actual world literary process (publishing house by “Dmytro Burago”, 2015), author of therapeutic poetry and strategies in the system of “Logoanalysis”, philosopher-anthropologist and the first world author of the scientific research in the methodology of “post metamodernism” (2015-2019): “The problem of human transformation. Metamodernism. Post metamodernism ”

(a combination of the innovative experience of the Dutch philosophers Timotheus Vermeulen and Robin van den Akker as authors of metamodernism (2010) with the experience of meta-anthropological research by  the professors of the Kyiv National Pedagogical Drahomanov University – Nazip Khamitov and Svitlana Krylova) for my own school of individual and social development “Psychoart House” (2009).

I am the author of the first Department of “Aesthetic Speech Correction” in Ukraine for children with dyslalia and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech (January-February 2022), the author of effective early intervention logotherapy programs (in a playful form) with the aim of overcoming the diagnosis  “Speech delay”  in children from the age of 2, as well as timely prevention of psycho-speech disorders in the following years of the child’s progression.

The total experience of my practical work is 17 years.

Education: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Institute of Journalism; Faculty of Journalism, 2007.

Kyiv National Pedagogical Drahomanov University, Institute of Correctional Pedagogy and Psychology; Faculty of Correctional Education (Speech Therapy), field of training – “corrective education”, “defectology”, 2013.

Kyiv National Pedagogical Drahomanov University; Department of philosophical anthropology, specialty “philosophy”, professional qualification – expert in psychological and philosophical counselling, art therapy (+ logotherapy) and philosophical journalism, 2018.

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