For clients

Thank you for your trust in TinyEYE. As an existing client of ours, you can complete a treatment agreement via this page, consult information, read and leave reviews, and ask us questions.

Treatment agreement.

You have chosen an online treatment by one of our therapists. It is a legal requirement for a healthcare provider to enter into a treatment agreement with their client. In order to fulfill this obligation, and to make the speech therapy (including assessment) run smoothly, we would like to reach an agreement with you on how we work together. Would you like support by telephone when completing this treatment agreement? Then, please contact your own TinyEYE contact person.

I want to use TinyEYE.

Would you like to receive TinyEYE teletherapy for yourself, or someone else? Or do you want to make an appointment for a free consultation, an online speech therapy examination, an online speech therapy session or for general questions? Book an appointment and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Reviews van onze cliënten.

Bekijk alle reviews
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Elke says


My pinched voice made me difficult to understand for others who thought my voice was strange. This made me feel more and more insecure. I was looking for a solution and I found it at TinyEYE's online speech therapy. I have really been helped. Highly recommended!

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Fam. Huizinga says


I am very happy with this opportunity. We live abroad, so Dutch speech therapy is only possible via an online method. Our speech therapist was very professional and knowledgeable.

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Fam. Van Heuvelen says


Our daughter is very proud when she starts working with the speech therapist. What a fun, playful way to work on her pronunciation!

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Do you have any other questions, or would you like to make an appointment for a free consultation, an online speech therapy examination, or an online speech therapy session? You can do this via our contact form.

Submit your own review.

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Hello! My name is Mila.

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