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Speech therapy for children

It's not uncommon for certain children to experience delays in their communication skills or encounter difficulties in speech. At TinyEYE, we specialize in providing dedicated speech and language therapy services designed to effectively address these challenges. Our team of experts is particularly skilled in working with children who are raised in bilingual or multilingual environments. We proudly offer online speech therapy solutions available in a diverse array of languages, such as English, Dutch, Ukrainian, Spanish, Turkish, French, German, Persian, and Polish.

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Speech therapy for adults

Whether you're facing speech challenges later in life or experiencing language delays from a younger age, speech therapy for adults provides a viable solution in numerous cases. Age should never deter you from seeking improvement or relief in your communication skills. For instance, adults dealing with conditions like stuttering can significantly enhance their speech through targeted exercises and guidance provided by speech therapy for adults. It's never too late to embark on a journey towards better communication.

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Speech therapy for schools or institutions

Our composite package, tailored specifically for schools and educational institutes, provides a robust solution to support school-age children who grapple with language or speech difficulties. Through our online speech and language therapy program, children attending primary or secondary school or homework institutes can engage in focused and efficient sessions dedicated to enhancing their speech and language skills. One of the notable benefits of our speech therapy program for schools and institutes is the absence of waiting lists. Your students can get started immediately on their path to improved communication. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us to kickstart this valuable journey!

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B.B. says


Being able to see my daughter's development of her Dutch speech- and language skills stimulated while living abroad in Italy, through fun online face-to-face interaction, education and games - great that this is possible!

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K.F. says


Living in a foreign country, our children only speak Dutch with family members. This makes our use of the Dutch language rather one-sided. Mila helped us identify articulation and vocabulary problems. Our son now has a larger Dutch vocabulary and pronounces his words much more clearly.

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Elke says


My pinched voice made me difficult to understand for others who thought my voice was strange. This made me feel more and more insecure. I was looking for a solution and I found it at TinyEYE's online speech therapy. I have really been helped. Highly recommended!

We have no waiting lists.

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