Hello! I'm Sarah Afallah.
Are you coming to follow online speech therapy treatments with me? Then it’s nice if you know who I am. I am registered in the quality register of paramedics and a member of the NVLF. In 2019 I graduated as a speech therapist, and I also have a minor in Dutch sign language. In recent years I have been able to help many children with language and articulation problems. Are you multilingual? Online speech therapy treatment also offers a solution in this case. I am specialized in online speech therapy lessons via the TinyEYE Platform.
As an online speech therapist I help children with multiple problems in the field of language and speech. Is your request for help not listed, but are you curious if I could still help you? Please contact me.
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Speech Therapist? Join TinyEYE.
Are you a great advocate of speech therapy and love innovation? Are you expressive and fond of children and older people? Then you might be the new TinyEYE online therapist we are looking for.